Monthly Archives: January 2014

Fibre Art Inspired by Jackson Pollock

I recently took up the challenge of a Jackson Pollock inspired piece of work. At first I was not completely taken with the idea as his work is huge, all over the place or so I thought, but on further investigation of this artist I was hooked.

The piece I made was inspired by Pollock’s Moon Woman, especially since I have just finished a moon woman felted piece.

Firstly here is the felted piece it’s depicts a mother and daughter reaching out to each other across the moon.  I quite liked the idea of cutting the moon (another of Pollock’s works), then following his technique I lay the piece on the floor and got splashing with a select range of colours and allowed myself to be inspired by the movement of the fabric paint and the image below. Quite an experience, thoroughly enjoyed myself and I feel that the work has become energised too. I’ll let you decide that one…..


Once I had wet felted and embellished this main piece I went onto to give it the Jackson Pollock treatment, here is a little video of the experience

From the first image this is how my Moon Woman developed, the process was liberating and lots of fun and personally I feel she has an edge of energy in her that didn’t exist in the plain felt work – but you may have different thoughts.

right-corner centre Pollocked-moon-woman

Moon Woman Completed

Initially I wasn’t sure if I should add stitch and beading to this piece, then I went for it, I’m so glad, now she just pops. This piece has been made from wet felted merino on sheep wool, with silk, and fabric needle felted into the background felting, machine stitched and added bead work. I’ve added a close up too.ImageImage  

Moon Woman

On this gorgeous sunny winter morning, and after the festive Gemini moon I decided to use the energy to create a felted piece reflecting the moon and female energy.

It’s still in its new moon phase, not quite finished, I plan to add beading and stitch to it.
